Tuesday, May 02, 2006

trading places

I've been going to different blogs and it always melt my heart going through the blog and website of Lane.

I met Lane through my sister, Bonnie. He deserves a mention to my blog since he is really an embodiment of a truly passionate, kindest and best teacher all his students proclaim.

Very timid and serious, not the usual profile of a "favorite" teacher students would want. You can see all the happy faces of his students all over Thailand and the Philippines. It seems even if he's already semi-done with teaching, all of his students missed him. I was once a teacher myself and I know the feeling of sharing something to these young minds. I'm sure they had so much fun spending and learning from him. It is exhausting but at the end of the day, getting tired turns into rewards. Especially after teaching them, you receive happy smiles and makes ur day complete. I'm sure Lane felt the same way.

He has showed a window of the world to his host siblings. He chose to leave his comfort zone and try to discover the world. He had a stable career as a high ranking navy officer but chose to teach kids in far flung provinces in the Southeast. Being a teacher doesn't receive so much success points in our world these days. But being a teacher is the most noble, fulfilling, rewarding profession. Lane didn't bother trade a good career with being a humble teacher. He deliberately chose to live it simply. Simplicity is a complex word itself. Easier said than done. Trading a comfortable life for a richer life is not simple.

Oh by the way, besides being a good samaritan, he is a vegan (strict), a yogi and a great photographer. Visit his web, check my blog links.


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