Wednesday, April 04, 2007

pet owner vis a vis pet lover

Being immersed in this pet food industry made me understand that there's a big difference between a pet owner and pet lover. I've never made such a distinction not until now I've been in interaction with so many pet lovers. Unfortunately, I think Im the only one who fits perfectly to my definition as a pet owner. For clarification,

a pet owner is someone who takes care to the minimum living requirements of a pet; it means simply giving food and water, administering weekly (once or twice depending on free time) baths

a pet lover is someone who cuddles, plays and dotes their pets with what i call "luxury" for a pet's life; it means buying your pet some treats, accessories, toys; administers weekly grooming, walks and plays to your pet.

Sounds tiring, huh? Well, for a pet owner like me, YES, it sounded very tiring but for pet lovers, it's a fulfillment.

A visitor/friend of mine was here to help me brainstorm last December shares to me his experiences as a pet lover. He's a hobbyist. Im impressed that for his age, he knows a lot of things from investment to stocks, dog faqs, model cars collecting, beauty tips, what's hot and what's not, traveling, steel, tires, guns, how about germs (ive not ask this...he fits the book of Jared Diamond then)upto horticulture and orchids.For now, his interest is shifted to playing golf and i think he's so busy practicing to tee.

Very interesting and insightful guy. Actually, quite memorable meeting him. I learned 3 important things from this guy.

First, how to say the right words at the right time. For the first time in my life, did anyone dare say that I'm pathetic, ruthless and ugly (in a nicer way but it meant this way). A really funny incident indeed. I had a bad pimple breakout when they were here due to erratic weather pattern here in Shanghai at that time. It always happen to me when it gets colder. Im so much uglier. hahaha! Anyway, he said that Chinese believe that a clear skin is a sign of a good and sound businessman/woman. It didnt register to me not until he repeated it i said, 'wait, wait, maybe he's referring to me...' thus, my ego got into it's war mode. I'm never a good active listener. But then, he said it right. I'd have to say, i need to learn how to say what i want to say directly!

I've realized that appearances really give a good first impression. Good thing when I interviewed for this work, i was much nicer looking, have a really flawless skin and much healthier and fitter, unlike now. Going back, I'd have to agree with him re: physical appearances. We want to be simple but not to appear so dull and boring. However, sometimes to achieve this, we need to accessorize,jazz up a bit thus might go to vanity while we build up on not to appear dull and lifeless.

Second, how to keep up with your interest. I envy this guy how he managed to keep all his senses open to the little details on the stuffs he knows. Information overload?? He's almost like "" put to life...though I'd be impressed if he can translate different words to different languages. hehhe! too much to ask. Just kidding, if u happen to read this! He's just passionate!!! (3 exclamation point) When he puts his heart into something, he's not gonna cease knowing about it. I thought his interest on Fibonacci Principle is just a 'fly by night' and 'ice breaker' sort of thing to try to make a conversation, but when i went back to Manila, he's got a book about it. I wouldnt spend so much time understnding that concept. Perhaps an overview at would suffice my interest but he's impressive. He can talk for hours about it. Just as he did when he gave me an overview on how to invest at the stock market. I'm almost gonna give him a seed money to play around...tsk tsk tsk. Quite a salesman! As I've mentioned in my previous blog...Im a jack of all trades master of none. THis guy is just a mini jack of all trades and can pull it off to be a master of all!

Third, how to be serious and playful at the same time. My first impression of him is just one serious guy who doesnt want to smile. Maybe this is so because we met as business acquaintance. I've always have a hard time appearing to be business-like. Everyone thinks Im just so cheerful to the poiint of not giving so much proper decorum during business negotiations. That's how i feel. But when he was there to negotiate in my behalf, i want to make a life size cardboard of him and use it as an ad when i do my negotiations. He has mastered to skill of being serious businessman when needed. That i'd have to learn. Maybe because he's so much vain compared to me. hahahaha! Geez...when will i start! On the other hand, he knows how to put off his mask and simply be himself. He's very down to earth. I put him to the test to eat in a not so fancy chinese restaurant. He has survived it. He has shared a bit of himself . It was fun knowing him. I've learned a lot about myself too and how to improve myself as well. I just wish i can prolong my passions longer and really be truly passionate about it. I put my heart in my sleeves, and I can't change hats easily. U know when I'm sad, happy or angry in an instant. But in business, like Sun Tzu's Art of War, u can't be too obvious. U have to know when to be in battle and retreat. For me, my 'enemies' already know my moves. I'd wish I know how many battles he has won in his emerging stint to life in any of his endeavors which is he passionate about!


Blogger Stratego said...


Puede bajarlo desde

Describe estratagemas como "moverse sin ser visto en el mar a plena luz del día", "matar con una espada prestada" o "crear algo a partir de la nada". Cuando usted domine estas 36 estrategias, estará preparado para encontrar soluciones a cualquier tipo de problema y será capaz de adaptarse a toda clase de circunstancias.

Para mas información, y mas temas relacionados con la cultura china y japonesa:

4:20 PM  

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