Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Living here in China gave me the opportunity to meet new people but what's the best thing Im grateful for are the friends whom Ive met in China and still kept in close contact with them. Just like this, "FINALLY" a couple now friends.

I'd have to agree with Jowell that his encounter with Ginger is indeed a "serendipity." They've crossed paths for the longest time all these years. They were 'cheatmates' when they were still in nursery (I cant recall having the memory of cheating when I was still in my pre school years!). They've studied in the same college and formed part of the same organization, bids an occasional hi and hellos in the university. Then again, they crossed path again in Beijing. Their first 'encounter' was during a mass in the Australian Embassy in Beijing. Jowell silently told me, "I know that girl, why is she here?" After mass, we ended up having dinner together. Memories back in college went back and they were in sync again. But nothing happened. She went back to Manila, Jowell kept on his busy work in Beijing. Then, Jowell finally said one day, "Marie, Im gonna go home to Manila for good." It wasnt a surprise to me but then, Im sad too because Jowell has been more than a just a friend but like an older brother to me when I was still residing in Beijing. I was his house sitter and usual dinner and after Church bud. I end up going to the Grand Hyatt Beijing with him after week nights to drink tea and listen to Filipino band singing. How boring life we had then??

To cut the story short, Jowell surprised me again by saying that he's 'dating' Ginger in Manila. I was happy. I actually told him...FINALLY..why just now?! They were just here over the weekend in Shanghai. They are my best couple to date. Quite an ideal couple. They'd make a powerhouse resume if I were to itemize their credentials and why they are simply the 'best'. She was in for the right guy at the right time at the right place. They compliment each other. Sharing with me how they spent their Christmas is like an 'awwww' moment. Both of them made a list of the things they want to get for Christmas from China. It's just more than just a GIFT. There was a 'challenge' and waiting time and the thrill if theyre gonna get it. What Jowell did was get all these things for a REAL BARGAIN price much much lower than its retail price. Things that u wont normally see or get in shops in the Phils. How they did it is our "secret". Speaking of creativity and romance.

Being romantic is a passion in itself because u pour out all ur effort even if it is cheesy and unconventional. It doesn't have to be expensive (as what most people would think). Creativity is free as long as we put in time to think how we'd carry out a special something for someone. Little details like remembering what the other person needs. Always thinking of what the other person "might" want, need or appreciate everyday. This is a ritual I usually find very 'normal' to couples. Very thoughtful people. As couples, I think we should be responsible to be passionately romantic. I know ALL MEN would hit me in the head for 'requiring' this. But if u truly love someone, a note or two saying ';good morning' or 'hi' is indeed romantic. I've seen older couples who have kept being romantic in its full sense. Not just pulling off a whimsical romantic dinner or get away or a bed of roses. It's more than that, being romantic is being consistent to be mindful of the other persons' likes and dislike even to your discomfort at times. Passion is consistency.

Sometimes I wonder, can I just be that thoughtful? My best friend always tell me that i have a chronic 20s symptom of an Alzheimer's disease. I guess I'd be thoughtful when I want to be thoughtful. But for this couple, it's 24/7. To think that they are on an LDR kind of thing right now. Maturity is a recipe for this to work. I think they'll go a long way with their creativity in romance. They were lucky that theyve had many chances to bump into each other and finally realize that they can be a couple after all.


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